"I have feared needles for as long as I can remember (I'm 28 years old). I had to get a blood test recently, which normally sends me in to a wild panic. But it didn't hurt at all with the Buzzy Bee! I normally don't write reviews because even if I like a product, I usually forget. But I'm so happy about this Bee. It sounds silly, but I was actually pretty emotional about it, because after using it once, my fear has completely dissipated. Having a major fear just disappear because someone cared enough to create something like this is pretty unforgettable to me. I have been recommending it to EVERYONE in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"


The Buzzy Bee is crazy good!!!

"My 4 year old granddaughter has to have a needle every 2 weeks. She has been having needles and blood tests on a regular basis since she was 3. It has been very traumatic for her. We only found out about Buzzy4Shots recently. The Buzzy4Shots has been an amazing find. It really works. She has used Buzzy for the last 2 injections and has said "my Buzzy stops it from hurting". It took her awhile to use "Buzzy" as it signaled a needle but now understands how much Buzzy helps."

Pamela - grandma

Buzzy helps!

"Buzzy has been an invaluable device in my home in regards to helping my daughter that is on the autism spectrum handle getting vaccines and blood work. It used to take 5 people to hold her still for anything needle related. Now, it only takes myself and Buzzy."


Invaluable device

“Lucas has a rare bone disease called CRMO. He is currently treated with an intense regime of anti-inflammatory medication. To ensure it’s not damaging his liver or kidney function, he needs regular blood tests. That means needles, of which Lucas is terrified. The Buzzy is a huge comfort. He had a blood test the other day and it helped soothe him a lots. Lucas may also need to go on monthly infusions of Pamidronate, and the Buzzy will be a huge help if that happens..”


Support with blood tests

"As a Registered immunisation nurse and Mum of a daughter who needs monthly injections, I can't rate Buzzy highly enough. Compliance among so many patients had skyrocketed since I started using Buzzy. It's not nice having a needle and this device takes the experience to a much kinder level. Thanks Buzzy."

Bridget - Registered Nurse

A kinder level of care

"My daughter has leukemia which involves a very long treatment plan involving lots of injections, blood tests and medical treatments with needles. Like many children she is scared of needles. I googled ways we could help her through and came across Buzzy. I'm so glad we found this little bee because he has made a world of difference. It really has worked wonders and given her a way of control over a scary situation. The nurses are lovely and so supportive and they have welcomed the use of her buzzy for each treatment. So much so, they are getting their own supply of buzzies for their department. I think this product should be funded for all cancer wards, not just for kids, but for adults too. There is lots of medical trials which back up the science behind why/how it works to distract the nerves. Thanks to the inventor of this little product that has made such a big difference."


Making a world of difference

"Buzzy is a great little device as it not only distracts the child but also significantly reduces or even eliminates the sting of the needle. Most children don't even realise I've inserted the needle if they aren't watching. The bright colors and strong vibrations of the Buzzy Bee serve as excellent distractions during the procedure."

Chloe - Phlebotomist

Buzzy eliminates the sting

"I am an enrolled nurse that gives immunisations and deals with lots of children with wounds and also adults that are scared of needles. This is one of the best tools I have purchased. Keeps children calm and aids in distracting them."

Adam Stephen - Nurse

Keeps children calm

My daughter has multiple desense needles coming up; we’ve had 4 already and it’s been stressful. First needle with Buzzy today and there were no tears, and she described it as 100 times better than before. The nurses (who have seen her weekly reaction) were amazed. All doc clinics should have these.

Kim - mum

It works!! So thrilled

"Grayson has T1 Diabetes. We've been having a few problems with site changes lately. So many failed sites, and actual tears because of how many we are doing - instead of once every 3 days - we are sometimes doing one a day. I feel like some of the failed sites are due to Grayson not being able to relax when inserting the site. We found the Buzzy and this time around he didn't feel it!"

Sarah, mum to Grayson

Type 1 Diabetes - Site changes

"In our hospital we have several Buzzys. This bee will vibrate, which ensures that any pain signal to the brain is disrupted. The vibration confuses the nerves. That is why it is important to place the buzzy between the pain and the brain. We use the buzzy for finger pricks, insertion of an IV, removing plasters, taking blood, removing stitches and injections."

Angie - Hospital Nurse

We have several Buzzies

“One of the first things I was introduced to when I joined the Covid-19 Disability Response team at Wellington Hospital was the Buzzy4Shots bee. These Buzzies were game-changers for helping get a variety of people vaccinated who may have otherwise found it too upsetting: Buzzies have helped Autistic people, people with Down Syndrome and other learning disabilities, needle-phobic people, and those extra-sensitive to pain get their vaccinations. When we helped host disability-friendly vaccination events, every vaccination booth had access to a Buzzy4Shots bee and they were very much appreciated by both vaccinators and the public. An amazing product that I hope can help many more in the future!”

Livvy - Covid Disability Response Team


"My daughter LOVES Buzzy! She will not let us do anything painful without her beloved Buzzy! In fact she has two as we sometimes have to have multiple procedures. My daughter requires twice a day subcutaneous injections which are painful even with Buzzy (the medication itself burns when injected)! Buzzy makes a huge difference. Once a week she also requires a port-needle change and a Subcutaneous injection of another med. I do not know what we would do without Buzzy!! He is a lifesaver! My daughter even makes us use buzzy for tape removal and any other little aches and pains. Our children go through so much every day and this is one luxury that they deserve!"

Kimberley H - mum

He is a lifesaver!

"We have used Buzzy for my son who has a chronic illness and was really suffering from needle-phobia. The Royal Children's Hospital pain-management nurse had a Buzzy and shared him , and Buzzy has turned everything around for him! Buzzy has been such a god-send and we cannot sing its praises enough. Buzzy rules!"

Michelle C - mum


"Using the Buzzy Pro means by husband doesn't tense up like he usually does. He's never used Emla cream so he always felt the stick. With the Buzzy Pro he was very relaxed and all he could feel was the buzzing and the cold."


Making kidney dialysis easier

"I just wanted to say thank you for this product. The Buzzy is making my IVF injections less painful and traumatic. It's way better with the Buzzy."

Lori M

IVF Shots bearable